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검색어[전방일치/ 출판사:Akademiai Kiado Rt.]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
71 저널기사 Regional economic growth in Hungary 1998-2005: what does really matter in clusters? 미리보기
Lengyel, Balázs; Szakálné Kanó, Izabella Akademiai Kiado Rt 2014
72 저널기사 Productivity and credit constraints: a firm-level propensity score evidence for agricultural farms in central and east european countries 미리보기
Ciaian, Pavel; Fałkowski, Jan; Kancs, d'Artis Akademiai Kiado Rt 2012
73 저널기사 Effects of high-tech corporate characteristics on social capital and role of human resource management 미리보기
Yi, Xie; Lin, Yu Chieh; Shieh, Chich-Jen Akademiai Kiado Rt 2015
74 저널기사 Arguments for deliberative participation in local economic development 미리보기
Bajmócy, Zoltán; Gébert, Judit Akademiai Kiado Rt 2014
75 저널기사 The role of expectations in austerity cycles: the political economy of crisis management in Ireland and Greece 미리보기
Györffy, Dóra Akademiai Kiado Rt 2014
76 저널기사 10 years in the EU - common possibilities, diverging development 미리보기
Biedermann, Zsuzsánna Akademiai Kiado Rt 2014
77 저널기사 The intensification of foreign trade post-socialist countries and their role in global value chains 미리보기
Cieslik, Ewa; Biegaʼnska, jadwiga; Sroda-Murawska, Stefania Akademiai Kiado Rt 2016
78 저널기사 Effects of market orientation and breakthrough innovation on organizational performance of international enterprises 미리보기
Zhang, Zaixu; Jin, Chunqing Akademiai Kiado Rt 2015
79 저널기사 Visible and invisible walls: world trade patterns and the end of the cold war 미리보기
Bergeijk, Peter A.G. van Akademiai Kiado Rt 2015
80 저널기사 Determinants of job quality - evidence for european country groups 미리보기
Simões, Nádia; Crespo, Nuno; Pinto, José Castro Akademiai Kiado Rt 2015
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