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Good counsel:meeting the legal needs of nonprofits

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개인저자Rosenthal, Lesley, 1965-.
서명/저자사항Good counsel:meeting the legal needs of nonprofits/Lesley Rosenthal.
발행사항Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2012.
형태사항xxx, 320 p.: ill.; 24 cm.
ISBN9781118084045 (cloth)
9781118222799 (ebk.)
9781118236673 (ebk.)
9781118236833 (ebk.)
서지주기 Includes bibliographical references and index.
요약 "A concise overview of the legal needs of nonprofit organizations, Good Counsel is a compact and personable overview of the legal needs of nonprofits, crafted by one of America's most astute nonprofit general counsels. The book distills the legal needs of the 1.8 million tax-exempt organizations in the United States.Written in a clear and accessible style, with plenty of humor and storytelling as well as illustrative case studies, Good Counsel explains the basics of nonprofit corporate law, governance, and the tax exemption. It then takes a department-by-department look at legal topics relevant to program, fundraising, finance, communications, human resources, operations, contracts, government relations, and more. Good Counsel is designed help organizations fulfill their missions to do the public good.Designed to impart confidence and demystify the issues, Good Counsel is a must-read for nonprofit professionals and board members as well as lawyers and law students. Using Good Counsel as their playbook, lawyers, executives, and trustees can get an overview of the most common legal, governance, and compliance issues facing their organization and together ramp up a top-notch legal function. Contains practice pointers, checklists, and assessment tools Features sample contracts, licenses, and other form documents Filled with case studies and end-of-chapter focus questions, as well as available lesson plans for easy classroom use by educators in business, management, public policy, and law schools Good Counsel is the first-of-its-kind guidebook written by the sitting General Counsel of a major nonprofit. Written by influential author, speaker, and Bar leader Lesley Rosenthal, the General Counsel of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Good Counsel shares the insights of a Harvard Law School graduate with years of in-house and business law experience as well as board service"--
일반주제명 Nonprofit organizations -- Law and legislation -- United States.
BUSINESS & ECONOMICS / Nonprofit Organizations & Charities.

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