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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics.]
14건 중 14건 출력
1/2 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
Low, L. 삭제
Blackwell Publishing Ltd 삭제


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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 China Urbanizes: consequences, strategies, and policies Edited by Shahid Yusuf and Tony Saich 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
2 저널기사 From Agglomeration to Innovation: upgrading industrial clusters in emerging economies Edited by Akifumi Kuckiki and Masatsugu Tsuji 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
3 저널기사 The Routledge International Handbook of Globalization Studies - Edited by Bryan S. Turner 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
4 저널기사 The Korean Economic System: governments, big business and financial institutions - By Shin Jae-Seung and Lee Moosung 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
5 저널기사 Growing Industrial Clusters in Asia: serendipity and science - Edited by Shahid Yusuf, Kaoru Nabeshima and Shoichi Yamashita 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
6 저널기사 Innovation for Development and the Role of Government: a perspective from the East Asia and Pacific region - Edited by Qimiao Fan, Kouqing Li, Douglas Zhihua Zeng, Yang Dong and Runzhong Peng 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
7 저널기사 The East Asian High-Tech Drive - Edited by Yun-Peng Chu and Hal Hill 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008
8 저널기사 Multinationals and Economic Growth in East Asia: foreign direct investment, corporate strategies and national economic development - Edit By Shujiro Urata, Chia Siow Yue And Fukunari Kimura 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
9 저널기사 Handbook of Research on Asian Business - Edited by Henry Wai-chung Yeung 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
10 저널기사 Post-industrial East Asian Cities: innovation for growth - By Shahid Yusuf and Kaoru Nabeshima 미리보기
Low, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
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