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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
61 저널기사 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR - Transesophageal echocardiography in the treatment of right atrial hydatid cyst, Its impact on diagnosis and surgical management/ 미리보기
T�kek, T Minerva Medica 2000
62 저널기사 Exstrophy/Congenital Anomalies - Consensus on Prenatal Management of Antenatally Detected Urological Abnormalities/ 미리보기
Herndon, C D A American Urological Association Inc 2000
63 저널기사 Clinical Investigations - Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation - Current perspectives on the management of hypertriglyceridemia/ 미리보기
Miller, Michael C. V. Mosby Co 2000
64 저널기사 The free parascapular flap in traumatisms of the lower extremity 미리보기
Calcagni, M. BLACKWELL 2000
65 저널기사 MEDICAL WRITINGS - The Creation of Time to Heal - The author discusses how his book Time to Heal: American Medical Education from the Turn of the Century to the Era of Managed Care came into being/ 미리보기
Ludmerer, K M American College of Physicians] 2000
66 저널기사 FEATURES - DESIGNING ACROSS BORDERS - How can engineers collaborate on projects from plants a world apart via separate computer systems? A product data management system acts as translator/ 미리보기
The Society 2000
67 저널기사 President's Address - Impact of Managed Care on Scholarly Activity and Patient Care: Case Study of 12 Academic Radiology and Radiation Oncology - Departments - During the past 5 years, the primary influence of managed care on academic radiology and radiation oncology departments has been the need for faculty to increase clinical time to make up for decreasing patient care revenues; this has reduced the time and money devoted to scholarly activities/ 미리보기
Levitt, Seymour H The Radiological Society of North America 2000
68 저널기사 Clinical Investigations - Outcomes, Health Policy, and Managed Care - Epidemiologic study of use of resources in patients with unstable angina: The EARISA Registry/ 미리보기
Maggioni, Aldo Pietro C. V. Mosby Co 2000
69 저널기사 SCIENTIFIC ARTICLES - Herd characteristics and management practices associated with bulk-tank somatic cell counts in herds in official Dairy Herd Improvement Association programs in Ohio/ 미리보기
Khaitsa, Margaret L American Veterinary Medical Association 2000
70 저널기사 Public health policy and practice - Management of menorrhagia in primary care -- Impact on referral and hysterectomy: Data from the Somerset Morbidity Project/ 미리보기
Grant, C British Medical Association 2000
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