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검색어[키워드 / 전체:Economics]
49건 중 49건 출력
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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
1 저널기사 Intra-industry trade and strategic interaction: Theory and evidence 미리보기
Bernhofen, Daniel M North-Holland 1999
2 저널기사 Estimation of cross-country differences in industry production functions 미리보기
Harrigan, James North-Holland 1999
3 저널기사 Sterilised central bank intervention in the foreign exchange market 미리보기
Vitale, Paolo North-Holland 1999
4 저널기사 How the size of the monetary sector affects economic growth: Econometric evidence from industrial 미리보기
Odedokun, Matthew O North-Holland 1999
5 저널기사 Trade, development and converging growth rates 미리보기
Eicher, Theo S North-Holland 1999
6 저널기사 Book reviews 미리보기
Parsley, David C North-Holland 1999
7 저널기사 FDI policies under shared factor markets 미리보기
Glass, Amy Jocelyn North-Holland 1999
8 저널기사 R&D spillovers and global growth 미리보기
Bayoumi, Tamim North-Holland 1999
9 저널기사 Habits, costly investment, and current account dynamics 미리보기
Ikeda, Shinsuke North-Holland 1999
10 저널기사 Monetary shocks and real exchange rates 미리보기
Rogers, John H North-Holland 1999
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