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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
41 저널기사 High energy xenon ion beam assisted deposition of TiN film and its industrial application 미리보기
Wang, X Chapman and Hall 1996
42 저널기사 Complementary change in cis determinants and trans factors in the evolution of an mRNP stability complex 미리보기
Wang, X Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
43 저널기사 Tyrosine Phosphorylation and Syk Activation Are Involved in Thrombin-Induced Aggregation of Epinephrine-Potentiated Platelets 미리보기
Wang, X Japanese Biochemical Society 1980
44 저널기사 Effective interband g factors in diluted magnetic semiconductor Cd~1~-~xFe~xTe 미리보기
Wang, X American Institute of Physics 1980
45 저널기사 Sequence Requirements for Mitochondrial Import of Yeast Cytochrome c 미리보기
Wang, X American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
46 저널기사 Spectrophotometric and Electrochemical Study of Gold-Iodide in Aqueous Borate Medium 미리보기
Wang, X Electrochemical Society 1980
47 저널기사 Characterization of the ftsZ Gene from Mycoplasma pulmonis, an Organism Lacking a Cell Wall 미리보기
Wang, X American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
48 저널기사 Interferon-inducible protein-10 involves vascular smooth muscle cell migration, proliferation, and inflammatory response 미리보기
Wang, X American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
49 저널기사 Variabilin, a novel RGD-containing antagonist of glycoprotein IIb-IIIa and platelet aggregation inhibitor from the hard tick sermacentor variabilis 미리보기
Wang, X American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
50 저널기사 Cloning of a cDNA encoding an aldehyde dehydrogenase and its expression in Escherichia coli: Recognition of retinal as substrate 미리보기
Wang, X American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
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