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1 저널기사 Why `Artificiality' Fails to Explain Iraq's Woes The persistent notion that arbitrary colonial-era borders threw together peoples who can never coexist is not just bad history—it obscures the real problems of institutions deformed by an authoritarian legacy 미리보기
Haddad, Fanar Events Pub. Co 2016
2 저널기사 Cultural Diversity and Its Limits in Western Europe 미리보기
Maxwell, Rahsaan Events Pub. Co 2016
3 저널기사 Mexicans in the United States: In Pursuit of Inclusion With help from the Mexican government, the largest foreign-born population in the United States is pushing for access to citizenship and social mobility in the face of nativist political attacks 미리보기
Alonso, Alexandra Délano Events Pub. Co 2016
4 저널기사 Mao's Ordinary People The latest in a string of recent books on the Cultural Revolution focuses on the experience at the grassroots, where violent upheaval unexpectedly ended in the return of capitalism 미리보기
Thornton, Patricia M. Events Pub. Co 2016
5 저널기사 Term Limits and Beyond: Africa's Democratic Hurdles ``Third-termism'' is a malady common among presidents reluctant to leave office. Street protests have pushed out a few, but stronger opposition parties are the best check on power 미리보기
LeBas, Adrienne Events Pub. Co 2016
6 저널기사 Youthful Dissent Challenges Angola's Old Elite As the gush of oil wealth slows to a trickle, a new generation of Angolans has led protests against entrenched rulers whose intolerance of opposition was forged in the long civil war 미리보기
Pearce, Justin Events Pub. Co 2016
7 저널기사 Stalled Land Reform in South Africa Despite years of government promises and programs to create a more equitable racial balance in rural land rights, the black majority has seen relatively little progress 미리보기
Lahiff, Edward Events Pub. Co 2016
8 저널기사 Africa After the China Boom Chinese demand drove a commodity supercycle that was good for many African economies. Now that it's over, those who failed to cultivate other industries are back to square one 미리보기
Taylor, Ian Events Pub. Co 2016
9 저널기사 Africa's Emergent Public Sphere Fueled by recent democratization and the Internet, public debates in Africa are tapping into the transnational concerns of an influential diaspora. Seventh in a series on public spheres around the world 미리보기
Obadare, Ebenezer Events Pub. Co 2016
10 저널기사 The US-Cuba Thaw and Hemispheric Relations 미리보기
Shifter, Michael Events Pub. Co 2016
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