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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
71 저널기사 Going for growth: Many manufacturing companies, which slimmed down during the frantic era of reengineering and cost-cutting, now see themselves as poised for growth 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
72 저널기사 Many U.S. companies are discovering that a concept called target costing - a common practice in Japan - can be a key to increased profitability 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
73 저널기사 Adding art to numbers: Creativity and simplicity reign in annual reports 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
74 저널기사 The Global Edge: Part 3 of a four-part series 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
75 저널기사 Scratching the surface: The strategic implications of the internetworked corporation are just now emerging 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
76 저널기사 Kaizen blitz: A growing number of companies are discovering that highly focused "kaizen events" can be a great way to unleash employee creativity and upgrade manufacturing operations - in a hurry 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
77 저널기사 Volunteerism: a new strategic tool. Companies see bottom-line results in programs that encourage employees to volunteer for community service 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
78 저널기사 Opening up opportunities: Computer numerical control is moving from yesterday's proprietary architectures to a new PC-based openness 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
79 저널기사 Shrinking to grow: Paper companies restructure 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
80 저널기사 Core practices, performances, problems: Overall responses to questions relating to best practices, performances, and competitive obstacles 미리보기
unknown PENTON IPC 1997
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
