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1 저널기사 A hand-held data logger with integral GPS for producing weed maps by field walking 미리보기
Stafford, J. V Elsevier 1996
2 저널기사 A hard landing for the `New Economy`? Information technology and the United States national system of innovation 미리보기
Freeman, C. ELSEVIER 2001
3 저널기사 A heuristic for bi-objective vehicle routing with time window constraints 미리보기
Hong, Sung-Chul Elsevier 1999
4 저널기사 A heuristic for component switching on SMT placement machines 미리보기
Gronalt, M Elsevier 1997
5 저널기사 A heuristic for network project scheduling with random activity durations depending on the 미리보기
Golenko-Ginzburg, Dimitri Elsevier 1998
6 저널기사 A heuristic for solving mixed-model line balancing problems with stochastic task durations and 미리보기
McMullen, Patrick R Elsevier 1997
7 저널기사 A heuristic to minimize a quadratic function of job lateness on a single machine 미리보기
Su, Ling-Huey Elsevier 1998
8 저널기사 A Hicksian two-sector model of unemployment, cycles, and growth 미리보기
Hori, H. ELSEVIER 1998
9 저널기사 A hierarchical planning system for energy intensive production environments 미리보기
Ozdamar, Linet Elsevier 1999
10 저널기사 A higher level of computer security through active policies 미리보기
Abrams, M. D. ELSEVIER 1995
11 저널기사 A high speed software implementation of the Data Encryption Standard 미리보기
Shepherd, S. J. ELSEVIER 1995
12 저널기사 A History of Computer Viruses - Introduction 미리보기
Highland, H. J. ELSEVIER 1997
13 저널기사 A History of Computer Viruses - The Famous 'Trio' 미리보기
Highland, H. J. ELSEVIER 1997
14 저널기사 A History of Computer Viruses - Three Special Viruses 미리보기
Highland, H. J. ELSEVIER 1997
15 저널기사 A Hitchhiker`s guide to the techniques of adaptive nonlinear models 미리보기
Shapiro, A. F. ELSEVIER 2000
16 저널기사 A hop-by-hop flow controller for a virtual path/ 미리보기
Zhang, Hongyi Elsevier 2000
17 저널기사 A Household-Based, Nonparametric Test of Demand Theory 미리보기
Famulari, M. ELSEVIER 1995
18 저널기사 A house of her own: old age assistance and the living arrangements of older nonmarried women 미리보기
Costa, D. L. ELSEVIER 1999
19 저널기사 A hybrid model for specifying features and detecting interactions/ 미리보기
Siddiqi, Saheem Elsevier 2000
20 저널기사 Habit dynamics and wealth accumulation fluctuations 미리보기
Powell, J. G. ELSEVIER 1993
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