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1 저널기사 A NAMEA for the UK 미리보기
Vaze, P. ELSEVIER 1999
2 저널기사 A naturalistic visual scanning approach to assess selective attention in major depressive disorder/ 미리보기
Eizenman, M Elsevier 2003
3 저널기사 A natural language approach to flexible model querying 미리보기
Smart, J Elsevier 1996
4 저널기사 A nearest neighbor model for forecasting market response 미리보기
Mulhern, F. J. ELSEVIER 1994
5 저널기사 A necessary and sufficient condition for the convexity in oligopoly games 미리보기
Zhao, J. ELSEVIER 1999
6 저널기사 A necessary and sufficient epistemic condition for playing backward induction 미리보기
Balkenborg, D. ELSEVIER 1997
7 저널기사 A Need for a Network Security Czar 미리보기
Hancock, B. ELSEVIER 2000
8 저널기사 A neglected welfare cost of monopoly - and most other product market distortions 미리보기
Browning, E. K. ELSEVIER 1997
9 저널기사 A neo-Austrian five process model with resource extraction and pollution abatement 미리보기
Speck, S. ELSEVIER 1997
10 저널기사 A neoclassical investment function of the South African economy 미리보기
Toit, C. d.; Moolman, E. Elsevier, 2004
11 저널기사 A neoclassical model of the Phillips curve relation 미리보기
Cooley, T. F.;Quadrini, V. Elsevier 1998
12 저널기사 A neoclassical model of the Phillips curve relation - a comparison 미리보기
Cooley, T.F. ELSEVIER 1999
13 저널기사 A net present value approach to safety stocks in a multi-level MRP system 미리보기
Grubbstrom, Robert W Elsevier 1999
14 저널기사 A neural network system for the protection of citrus crops from frost damage 미리보기
Robinson, C Elsevier 1997
15 저널기사 A new approach for estimating and testing the linear quadratic adjustment cost model under rational expectations and I(1) variables 미리보기
Fanelli, L. ELSEVIER 2002
16 저널기사 A new approach to modelling and forecasting monthly guest nights in hotels 미리보기
Brannas, K.; Hellstrom, J.; Nordstrom, J. ELSEVIER 2002
17 저널기사 A new approach to polyfluoroaromatic amines with an unsubstituted position ortho to the amino group/ 미리보기
Laev, Sergey S Elsevier] 2001
18 저널기사 A new axiomatization of rank-dependent expected utility with tradeoff consistency for equally likely outcomes 미리보기
Schmidt, U. ELSEVIER 2001
19 저널기사 A new axiomatization of the Owen value for games with coalition structures 미리보기
Hamiache, G. ELSEVIER 1999
20 저널기사 A new bankruptcy procedure that uses multiple auctions 미리보기
Hart, O. ELSEVIER 1997
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