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1 저널기사 A Panel Data Design for Estimation of Hospital Cost Functions 미리보기
Carey, K. ELSEVIER 1997
2 저널기사 A parallel genetic-neuro scheduler for job-shop scheduling problems 미리보기
3 저널기사 A parametric study of microencapsulation approach to the preparation of polystyrene shells 미리보기
Alfonso, E. L Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 1997
4 저널기사 A para-site-specific hydroxylation of aromatic compounds by Mycobacterium sp. strain 12523: stabilization of the hydroxylation activity 미리보기
Semba, H Springer International 1997
5 저널기사 A parellel genetic-neuro scheduler for job-shop scheduling problems 미리보기
Lee, H.C Elsevier 1997
6 저널기사 A parimutuel system with two horses and a continuum of bettors 미리보기
Takahiro, W. ELSEVIER 1997
7 저널기사 A partially deficient and atypical equine transferrin variant, TF N 미리보기
Niini, T Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the International Society for Animal Blood Group 1997
8 저널기사 A Partial Test of the Transtheoretical Model in Therapy With Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse 미리보기
Koraleski, S. F. Larson, L. M. American Psychological Association 1997
9 저널기사 A Particle Method with Adjustable Transport Properties the Generalized Consistent Boltzmann Algorithm 미리보기
Garcia, A. L. Alexander, F. J. Alder, B. J. Plenum Press 1997
10 저널기사 A partnership's capital gains are taxable to a trust's income beneficiary 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1997
11 저널기사 A Pasinettian Amend to Growth and Distribution in an Open Economy 미리보기
12 저널기사 A path-dependent approach to security valuation with application to interest rate contingent claims 미리보기
Breeden, D. T. ELSEVIER 1997
13 저널기사 A PCR-based test for the presence of endogenous virus gene evA in chickens 미리보기
Nave, A Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the International Society for Animal Blood Group 1997
14 저널기사 A P.D.E. approach to Asian options: analytical and numerical evidence 미리보기
Alziary, B. ELSEVIER 1997
15 저널기사 A pentanucleotide repeat polymorphism maps progesterone receptor (PGR) to chicken chromosome 1 미리보기
Toye, A. A Published by Blackwell Scientific Publications for the International Society for Animal Blood Group 1997
16 저널기사 A Performance Evaluation of Global Equity Mutual Funds: Evidence from 1988-95 미리보기
Shukla, R. JAI PRESS INC 1997
17 저널기사 A performance evaluation of global equity mutual funds: Evidence from 1988-95 미리보기
Shukla, Ravi Elsevier Science Inc 1997
18 저널기사 A period analysis of the optical line variability of �Cephei: evidence for multi-mode pulsation and rotational modulation 미리보기
Telting, J. H Springer-Verlag 1997
19 저널기사 A periodic long-memory model for quarterly UK inflation 미리보기
Franses, P. H. ELSEVIER 1997
20 저널기사 A periodic long-memory model for quarterly UK inflation 미리보기
Franses, Philip Hans North-Holland 1997
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