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검색 타입
검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:Economic affairs. : Quarterly journal of economics]
47건 중 47건 출력
1/5 페이지 엑셀파일 출력
2013 삭제


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
No 자료
기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Costs and Returns in Milk Production Enterprise Among Tribal (Gujjars) in Jammu Region 미리보기
Tarunvir Singh;Sudhakar Dwivedi;Rajinder Peshin New Delhi Publishers 2013
2 저널기사 Study on Entrepreneurial Competencies of Women Entrepreneurs in Jammu District of Jammu and Kashmir State 미리보기
Poonam Parihar;SK Kher;Rakesh Nanda;SP Singh New Delhi Publishers 2013
3 저널기사 Market Driven Agribusiness Education in Agricultural Institutions for Sustainability 미리보기
Shamim Ahmad;Khan Tufail Ahmad New Delhi Publishers 2013
4 저널기사 Interdepencies Between Aviation Demand and Economic Growth in India: Cointegration Equation Estimation 미리보기
Bilal Mehmood;Amna Shahid;Zahid Irshad Younas New Delhi Publishers 2013
5 저널기사 Constraints Perceived by Dairy Farmers in Adoption and Repayment of Dairy Loans: A Case study of Amritsar 미리보기
Renuka Rani;Anita Gill;Gagan Bajaj;Puneet Malhotra New Delhi Publishers 2013
6 저널기사 Empowerment of Tribal Women Through Family Planning Programme – A Micro Study of Sandeshkhali Block of Sundarban Area 미리보기
Deb Prasad Sikdar;Sukumar Ghosh New Delhi Publishers 2013
7 저널기사 Integrated Fish Farming in Jorhat District of Assam: Problems and Policy Options 미리보기
Jyotismita Bora;Anup Kumar Das New Delhi Publishers 2013
8 저널기사 Growth and Instability of Jute Production in Assam 미리보기
Saleama Khatun;Nivedita Deka New Delhi Publishers 2013
9 저널기사 Child Labour: Determinants, Dimensions and Policies in India 미리보기
Ganesh Kumar New Delhi Publishers 2013
10 저널기사 Farmers’ Suicide Deaths in India: Can it be Controlled? 미리보기
M.V. Raghavalu New Delhi Publishers 2013
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