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검색어[전방일치/ 출판사:American Marketing Association]]
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2016 삭제


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
51 저널기사 Exploring the Effects of ``What'' (Product) and ``Where'' (Website) Characteristics on Online Shopping Behavior 미리보기
Mallapragada, Girish; Chandukala, Sandeep R.; Liu, Qing American Marketing Association 2016
52 저널기사 Understanding the Impact of In-Process Promotional Messages: An Application to Online Auctions 미리보기
Ducarroz, Caroline; Yang, Sha; Greenleaf, Eric A. American Marketing Association 2016
53 저널기사 How Experience Variety Shapes Postpurchase Product Evaluation 미리보기
Etkin, Jordan; Sela, Aner American Marketing Association] 2016
54 저널기사 Designed to Succeed: Dimensions of Product Design and Their Impact on Market Share 미리보기
Jindal, Rupinder P.; Sarangee, Kumar R.; Echambadi, Raj; Lee, Sangwon American Marketing Association 2016
55 저널기사 Marketing's Impact on Firm Value: Generalizations from a Meta-Analysis 미리보기
Edeling, Alexander; Fischer, Marc American Marketing Association] 2016
56 저널기사 Thin Slice Impressions: How Advertising Evaluation Depends on Exposure Duration 미리보기
Elsen, Millie; Pieters, Rik; Wedel, Michel American Marketing Association] 2016
57 저널기사 When It Pays to Wait: Optimizing Release Timing Decisions for Secondary Channels in the Film Industry 미리보기
Ahmed, Sumaiya; Sinha, Ashish American Marketing Association 2016
58 저널기사 When Sex and Romance Conflict: The Effect of Sexual Imagery in Advertising on Preference for Romantically Linked Products and Services 미리보기
Ma, Jingjing; Gal, David American Marketing Association] 2016
59 저널기사 Advertising Spillovers: Evidence from Online Field Experiments and Implications for Returns on Advertising 미리보기
Sahni, Navdeep S. American Marketing Association] 2016
60 저널기사 Understanding the Effects of Plural Marketing Structures on Alliance Performance 미리보기
Fang, Eric; Lee, Jongkuk; Palmatier, Robert; Guo, Zhaoyang American Marketing Association] 2016
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