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검색어[전방일치/ 출판사:American Economic Association]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Optimal Regulation of Financial Intermediaries 미리보기
Di Tella, Sebastian American Economic Association 2019
2 저널기사 Payroll Taxes, Firm Behavior, and Rent Sharing: Evidence from a Young Workers' Tax Cut in Sweden 미리보기
Saez, Emmanuel; Schoefer, Benjamin; Seim, David American Economic Association 2019
3 저널기사 Walk on the Wild Side: Temporarily Unstable Paths and Multiplicative Sunspots 미리보기
Ascari, Guido; Bonomolo, Paolo; Lopes, Hedibert F. American Economic Association 2019
4 저널기사 Revenue Guarantee Equivalence 미리보기
Bergemann, Dirk; Brooks, Benjamin; Morris, Stephen American Economic Association 2019
5 저널기사 Monetary Policy and Rational Asset Price Bubbles: Comment 미리보기
Miao, Jianjun; Shen, Zhouxiang; Wang, Pengfei American Economic Association 2019
6 저널기사 Incentivizing Better Quality of Care: The Role of Medicaid and Competition in the Nursing Home Industry 미리보기
Hackmann, Martin B. American Economic Association 2019
7 저널기사 Delegated Expertise, Authority, and Communication 미리보기
Deimen, Inga; Szalay, Dezső American Economic Association 2019
8 저널기사 Bordo, Michael D.; John H. Cochrane, and Amit Seru, eds. The Structural Foundations of Monetary Policy 미리보기
Bundick, Brent American Economic Association] 2019
9 저널기사 Behavioral Economics and the Atheoretical Style 미리보기
Spiegler, Ran American Economic Association 2019
10 저널기사 Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: A Robust Coase Conjecture 미리보기
Nava, Francesco; Schiraldi, Pasquale American Economic Association 2019
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
