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검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:Organization science : a journal of the Institute of Management Sciences]
655건 중 500건 출력
4/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
31 저널기사 Capabilities, Transaction Costs, and Firm Boundaries 미리보기
Argyres, N.S.; Zenger, T.R. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
32 저널기사 Creative Projects: A Less Routine Approach Toward Getting New Things Done 미리보기
Obstfeld, D. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
33 저널기사 The Sociological Ambivalence of Bureaucracy: From Weber via Gouldner to Marx 미리보기
Adler, P.S. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
34 저널기사 Purpose and Progress in the Theory of Strategy: Comments on Gavetti 미리보기
Winter, S.G. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
35 저널기사 Achieving Demand-Side Synergy from Strategic Diversification: How Combining Mundane Assets Can Leverage Consumer Utilities 미리보기
Ye, G.; Priem, R.L.; Alshwer, A.A. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
36 저널기사 Risks of Corporate Entrepreneurship: Autonomy and Agency Issues 미리보기
Shimizu, K. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
37 저널기사 Social Influence and Entrepreneurship: The Effect of University Peers on Entrepreneurial Entry 미리보기
Kacperczyk, A.J. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
38 저널기사 How Do Product Users Influence Corporate Invention? 미리보기
Chatterji, A.K.; Fabrizio, K. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
39 저널기사 Do Women Choose Different Jobs from Men? Mechanisms of Application Segregation in the Market for Managerial Workers 미리보기
Barbulescu, R.; Bidwell, M. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
40 저널기사 Selection at the Gate: Difficult Cases, Spillovers, and Organizational Learning 미리보기
Stan, M.; Vermeulen, F. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
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