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검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:International journal of market research : the journal of the Market Research Society]
650건 중 500건 출력
5/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
41 저널기사 The quest for persuasive advertising 미리보기
Cramphorn, S. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
42 저널기사 The use of new technologies on the British Birth Cohort Studies 미리보기
Calderwood, L. NTC Publications Ltd 2013
43 저널기사 Identifying the real differences of opinion in social media sentiment 미리보기
Pettit, A. NTC Publications Ltd 2013
44 저널기사 Alessandro M. Peluso - Consumer Satisfaction: Advancements in Theory, Modeling, and Empirical Findings 미리보기
Brookes, C. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
45 저널기사 Behavioural economics: a model of thinking 미리보기
Hayter, C.W. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
46 저널기사 Sentiment analysis: a market-relevant and reliable measure of public feeling? 미리보기
Gunter, B.; Koteyko, N.; Atanasova, D. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
47 저널기사 Making meaning: the fate of the consumer in market research 미리보기
Barnham, C. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
48 저널기사 `Listening to consumers of emerging markets', 2014 Annual Conference of the Emerging Markets Conference Board, Indian Insitute of Management (Lucknow), Noida campus, India, 8-11 January 2014 미리보기
Belk, R.; Ger, G. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
49 저널기사 Academic researchers are from Mars 미리보기
Henning, J. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
50 저널기사 The word-of-mouth phenomenon in the social media era 미리보기
Barreto, A.M. NTC Publications Ltd 2014
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