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검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:Organization science : a journal of the Institute of Management Sciences]
655건 중 500건 출력
6/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
51 저널기사 Dual Signals: How Competition Makes or Breaks Interfirm Social Ties 미리보기
Trapido, D. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
52 저널기사 The Lure of the Virtual 미리보기
Bailey, D.E.; Leonardi, P.M.; Barley, S.R. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
53 저널기사 An Organizational Identity Approach to Strategic Groups 미리보기
Anand, V.; Joshi, M.; O Leary-Kelly, A.M. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
54 저널기사 Speaking Up vs. Being Heard: The Disagreement Around and Outcomes of Employee Voice 미리보기
Burris, E.R.; Detert, J.R.; Romney, A.C. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
55 저널기사 When Does Employee Turnover Matter? Dynamic Member Configurations, Productive Capacity, and Collective Performance 미리보기
Hausknecht, J.P.; Holwerda, J.A. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
56 저널기사 Supply Portfolio Concentration in Outsourced Knowledge-Based Services 미리보기
Moeen, M.; Somaya, D.; Mahoney, J.T. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
57 저널기사 When Do Firms Divest Foreign Operations? 미리보기
Berry, H. Institute of Management Sciences 2013
58 저널기사 Changing Organizational Designs and Performance Frontiers 미리보기
Van de Ven, A.H.; Leung, R.; Bechara, J.P.; Sun, K. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
59 저널기사 The Core and Cosmopolitans: A Relational View of Innovation in User Communities 미리보기
Dahlander, L.; Frederiksen, L. Institute of Management Sciences 2012
60 저널기사 Near Misses in the Breakthrough Discovery Process 미리보기
Chai, Sen Institute of Management Sciences 2017
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