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검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:Economic affairs. : Quarterly journal of economics]
591건 중 500건 출력
7/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
61 저널기사 Impact of farmers’ suicides on social and economic conditions of victim households 미리보기
Amarjeet Singh;Jaspal Singh New Delhi Publishers 2016
62 저널기사 Impact of Market-based financial Structure on the growth of nigerian economy: An econometric Analysis 미리보기
Moses I. Ailemen;Davidson. O. Unemhilin New Delhi Publishers 2017
63 저널기사 Growth Performance of Oilseeds Among Leading States in India 미리보기
Prasanna Kolar;P.K. Awasthi;Ankita Sahu New Delhi Publishers 2020
64 저널기사 Analysis of Demand Supply and Production Constraints in Major Fruits & Vegetables in Bihar 미리보기
Meera Kumari;Chandan Kumar Panda New Delhi Publishers 2020
65 저널기사 An Economic Analysis of Paddy Value Chain in Thanjavur District of Tamil Nadu 미리보기
R. Nagarethinam;S. Angles New Delhi Publishers 2020
66 저널기사 Economic Analysis of Pecan Nut Production: An Application of Input Oriented DEA Model 미리보기
Pawan Kumar Sharma;Sudhakar Dwivedi New Delhi Publishers 2018
67 저널기사 Economics of Cabbage Cultivation and Post-harvest Losses in Phek District of Nagaland 미리보기
Ade Koza;Aatish Kumar Sahu;Sanjoy Das;Nirmal Kumar Patra New Delhi Publishers 2018
68 저널기사 Incidence and Determinants of Indebtedness of Agricultural Households in Gujarat 미리보기
Vishal S Thorat;Yogesh Garde;Arvind Arhant New Delhi Publishers 2020
69 저널기사 Economic and environmental impact of pesticide use in conventional cotton and bt cotton 미리보기
P. Indhu Kavi;J.S. Amarnath;B. Sivasankari New Delhi Publishers 2018
70 저널기사 Does electricity consumption affect economic growth in Bangladesh? 미리보기
Sk. Sharafat Hossen;Md. Mahbubul Hasan New Delhi Publishers 2018
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