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검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:Economic affairs. : Quarterly journal of economics]
591건 중 500건 출력
8/50 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
71 저널기사 Statistical investigation of production performance of cumin in India 미리보기
P. Mishra;K. Padmanaban;B.S. Dhekale;A.K. Tailor New Delhi Publishers 2018
72 저널기사 Trends in Area, Production, Productivity and Trade of ChickPea in India 미리보기
Samriti;Subhash Sharma;Ravinder Sharma;Ankit Pathania New Delhi Publishers 2020
73 저널기사 A dynamic model of forestry for the dryland areas of West Bengal 미리보기
Nilendu Chatterjee;Kausik Gupta New Delhi Publishers 2018
74 저널기사 Farm level technical efficiency for pulse production in India 미리보기
Rajni Jain;Sonia Chauhan;S.K. Srivastava;I.T. Kingsley;S.S. Raju;Jaspal Singh;Amrit Pal Kaur New Delhi Publishers 2016
75 저널기사 Trends in women employment in India during census 1981 to 2011 미리보기
M. Prasada Rao;Y. Anil Kumar;Ch. Bala Kotaih;J. Nehru Naik New Delhi Publishers 2016
76 저널기사 Marketing efficiency and Marketing channels for Paddy crop in the eastern region of uttar Pradesh 미리보기
Pushpa;S.K. Srivastava New Delhi Publishers 2017
77 저널기사 A Study on dynamicity of data on the import of fish to tripura 미리보기
Prasenjit Pal;A.D. Upadhyay New Delhi Publishers 2017
78 저널기사 Impact of urbanization on Land use Pattern of rural-urban gradient of bengaluru north: An economic Analysis 미리보기
H.V. Harishkumar;B.V. Chinnappa Reddy New Delhi Publishers 2017
79 저널기사 Performance of Pomegranate Export from India 미리보기
D Rede Ganeshkumar;Kalyan Bhattacharyya;Lakshmi Narsimhaiah;Santosh S Yumnam New Delhi Publishers 2016
80 저널기사 Input use Pattern in different Soybean Based Cropping System in Karnataka 미리보기
N. Vijaykumar;Suresh S. Patil;G.M. Hiremath;B.S. Reddy New Delhi Publishers 2016
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