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검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:The American economic review.]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Uncertain Externalities, Liability Rules, and Resources Allocation: Reply. 미리보기
Greenwood Peter H. ; Ingene Charles A. American Economic Assonication
2 저널기사 Harold Hotelling and Marginal Cost Pricing. 미리보기
Silberberg Eugene American Economic Assonication
3 저널기사 Unique Equilibria, Pure Profits, and Efficiency in Location Models. 미리보기
Capozza Dennis R. ; van Order Robert American Economic Assonication
4 저널기사 A Note on the Separability of Production and Location. 미리보기
Hurter Jr. Arthur P. ; Martinich Joseph S. ; Venta Enrique R. American Economic Assonication
5 저널기사 The Pigouvian Tax Rule under Monopoly. 미리보기
Barnett A. H. American Economic Assonication
6 저널기사 Pareto-Desirable Redistribution in Kind: Reply. 미리보기
Brennan Geoffrey ; Walsh Cliff American Economic Assonication
7 저널기사 The Production Process in a Competitive Economy: Comment. 미리보기
Alvi Eskander American Economic Assonication
8 저널기사 The Economics of Price Scissors: Comment. 미리보기
Carter Michael R. American Economic Assonication
9 저널기사 Pechman's Tax Incidence Study: A Response. 미리보기
Pechman Joseph A. American Economic Assonication
10 저널기사 The Production Process in a Competitive Economy: Reply. 미리보기
Bowles Samuel American Economic Assonication
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
