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검색어[전방일치/ 기사제목:Adenovirus]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Adenovirus : 미리보기
HENRY Macmillan Journals Ltd 1972
2 저널기사 Adenovirus 미리보기
Van Der Vliet Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
3 저널기사 Adenovirus 미리보기
Lopez-Revilla Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
4 저널기사 Adenovirus : 미리보기
Toolan Macmillan Journals Ltd 1973
5 저널기사 Adenovirus 미리보기
Raskas Macmillan Journals Ltd 1974
6 저널기사 Adenovirus type 5 fiber knob binds to MHC class I � domain at the surface of human epithelial and B lymphoblastoid cells 미리보기
Hong, S. S Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
7 저널기사 Adenovirus-mediated glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor gene delivery reduces motor neuron injury after transient spinal cord ischemia in rabbits/ 미리보기
Sakurai, M C.V. Mosby 2001
8 저널기사 Adenovirus 3 penton dodecahedron exhibits structural changes of the baseon fibre binding 미리보기
Schoehn, G Published for the European Molecular Biology Organization by IRL Press 1980
9 저널기사 The Adenovirus E1A-Regulated Transcription Factor E4F Is Generated from the Human Homolog of Nuclear Factor �P3 미리보기
Fernandes, E. R American Society for Microbiology 1980
10 저널기사 The Adenovirus E1A Repression Domain Disrupts the Interaction between the TATA Binding Protein and the TATA Box in a Manner Reversible by TFIIB 미리보기
Song, C.-Z American Society for Microbiology 1980
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