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검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:Africa Today]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Obasanjo, Nigeria and the World, John Iliffe 미리보기
Aka, P.C. Indiana University Press 2012
2 저널기사 Africanist Feminist Politics of Knowledge: Tensions, Challenges, and Possibilities, Akosua Adomako Ampofo and Signe Arnfred, eds 미리보기
Amoah, N.A.D. Indiana University Press 2012
3 저널기사 Diplomacy and Nation-Building in Africa: Franco-British Relations and Cameroon at the End of Empire, Melanie Torrent 미리보기
Mokube, E. Indiana University Press [etc.]. 2012
4 저널기사 UN Peacekeeping in Africa: From the Suez Crisis to the Sudan Conflicts, Adekeye Adebajo 미리보기
Dimah, A. Indiana University Press [etc.]. 2012
5 저널기사 Visions of Nationhood: Prelude to the Nigerian Civil War, 1960-1967, G. N. Uzoigwe 미리보기
Darden, B.B.; Udogu, E.I. Indiana University Press 2012
6 저널기사 Rethinking Militancy and Environmental Justice: The Politics of Oil and Violence in Nigerian Popular Music 미리보기
Okuyade, O. Indiana University Press 2012
7 저널기사 Delivering Development: Globalization's Shoreline and the Road to a Sustainable Future, Edward R. Carr 미리보기
Hanrahan, K.B. Indiana University Press 2012
8 저널기사 Globalization and Marginalization of Africa: Contextualization of China-Africa Relations 미리보기
Edoho, F.M. Indiana University Press 2012
9 저널기사 Subaltern Agency and Nationalist Commitment: The Dialectic of Social and National Emancipation in Colonial Eritrea 미리보기
Makki, F. Indiana University Press 2012
10 저널기사 Processing Promises of Gold: A Minefield of Company-Community Relations in Burkina Faso 미리보기
Luning, S. Indiana University Press [etc.]. 2012
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
