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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:Alice Pirlot]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 La dimension environnementale des accords de libre-échange : une perspective européenne 미리보기
Alice Pirlot De Boeck Universite 2020
2 저널기사 Literature Review: Business;Civil Society and the ‘New’ Politics of Corporate Tax Justice: Paying a Fair Share?;R. Eccleston & A. Elbra (editors);Edward Elgar 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer Law International
3 저널기사 Literature Review: Kasper Dziurdz;Non-discrimination in Tax Treaty Law and World Trade Law;The Impact of Formal;Substantive;and Subjective Approaches;Series on International Taxation Vol. 72;Wolters Kluwer 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer Law International
4 저널기사 The Vagueness of Tax Fairness: A Discursive Analysis of the Commission’s ‘Fair Tax Agenda’ 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer Law International
5 저널기사 Literature Review: Alberto Majocchi;European Budget and Sustainable Growth;The Role of a Carbon Tax;Peter Lang;2018 & Gilbert E. Metcalf;Paying for Pollution: Why a Carbon Tax is Good for America;OUP 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer Law International
6 저널기사 Literature review: Feminst Judgements: Rewritten Tax Opinions;Bridget J. Crawford & Anthony C. Infanti (editors) (Cambridge University Press;2018) 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer Law International
7 저널기사 Literature review: The Green Market Transition: Carbon Taxes;Energy Subsidies and Smart Instrument Mixes;Stefan E. Weishaar;Larry Kreiser;Janet E. Milne;Hope Ashiabor & Michael Mehling 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer Law International
8 저널기사 Editorial: ChatGPT for Writing and Teaching about Tax (p. 2) 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer B.V. 2024
9 저널기사 Climate Clubs: An International Tax Law Perspective [pre-publication] (p. 1) 미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer B.V. 2024
10 저널기사 Literature Review: Handbook on the Politics of Taxation, Lukas Hakelberg & Laura Seelkopf. Edward Elgar. 2021  미리보기
Alice Pirlot Kluwer B.V. 2023
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