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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:BRITTON DOYLE]
9건 중 9건 출력
1/1 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 p-Fluorobenzonitrile. 미리보기
BRITTON, DOYLE Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
2 저널기사 Terephthalonitrile. 미리보기
RIJ, COBY VAN Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1977
3 저널기사 The Crystal Structure of 5-Iodobenzfurazan-1-oxide. 미리보기
GEHRZ, RICHARD C Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
4 저널기사 The Crystal Structure of Trimethyltin Isocyanate-Hydroxide. 미리보기
HALL, J. BERJAMIN Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
5 저널기사 The Crystal Packing of 5-Brono-and 5-Chlorobenzfurazan-1-oxide 미리보기
BRITTON, DOYLE Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
6 저널기사 The Crystal Structure of 5-Iodbenzfurazan-1-oxide 미리보기
BRITTON, DOYLE Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
7 저널기사 The Crystal Structure of diiodoacetylene; an Example of Pseudosymmetry 미리보기
DUNITZ, J. D Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
8 저널기사 The Crystal Structures of the Dimethyldicyano Compounds of Silicon, Germanium, Tin and Lead/ 미리보기
KONNERT, JOHN Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
9 저널기사 The crystal Structures of BrC(CN)3, ClC(CN)3, and CH3C(CN)3 미리보기
WITT, JERRY R Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
