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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:Butler N.]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Optimal and orthogonal Latin hypercube designs for computer experiments/ 미리보기
Butler, N A Cambridge University Press 2001
2 저널기사 Philip (George). The Political Economy of International Oil 미리보기
Butler, N. BLACKWELL 1995
3 저널기사 Adelman (M.A.). The Genie Out of the Bottle: World Oil Since 1970 미리보기
Butler, N. BLACKWELL 1997
4 저널기사 Adelman (M.A.). The Genie Out of the Bottle: World Oil Since 1970 미리보기
Butler, N.;; unknown 1997
5 저널기사 Oxford Reference Shelf on CD-ROM 미리보기
Butler, N. 00 1996
6 저널기사 Maternal smoking and anencephaly 미리보기
GOLDING, JEAN British Medical Association 1983
7 저널기사 The Gray Zone: Questionable Research Practices in the Business School 미리보기
Butler, Nick; Delaney, Helen; Spoelstra, Sverre Academy of Management 2017
8 저널기사 Updating the forecast function of ARIMA models and the link with DLMs 미리보기
Butler, Neil A Wiley 1999
9 저널기사 Pratice Research : Teaching practices revisited 미리보기
FREELING, JEAN British Medical Association 1983
10 저널기사 Hyperoxia Induces Macrophage Cell Cycle Arrest by Adhesion-dependent Induction of p21^C^i^p^1 and Activation of the Retinoblastoma Protein/ 미리보기
Nyunoya, T American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
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