1 |
Uncertainty Resolution and Strategic Trade Policy in Oligopolistic Industries
Caglayan, M.
Blackwell; 1999
2 |
Shorter Papers - Monetary Instability, the Predictability of Prices, and the Allocation of Investment: An Empirical Investigation Using U.K. Panel Data/
Beaudry, Paul
American Economic Association
3 |
Trade Flows, Exchange Rate Uncertainty, and Financial Depth: Evidence from 28 Emerging Countries
Caglayan, M.; Dahi, O.S.; Demir, F.
Southern Economic Association]
4 |
Incompletely informed policymakers and trade policy in oligopolistic industries
Caglayan, M.; Usman, M.
Blackwell Publishing Ltd
5 |
Hedge Fund Performance and Manager Skill/
Edwards, Franklin R
Published by J. Wiley in affiliation with the Center for the Study of Futures Markets, Columbia Univ
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Inventories, sales uncertainty, and financial strength
Caglayan, M.; Maioli, S.; Mateut, S.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
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Inflation, price dispersion, and market structure
Caglayan, M.; Filiztekin, A.; Rauh, M. T.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.
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Nonlinear impact of inflation on relative price variability
Caglayan, M.; Filiztekin, A.
Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam.