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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:Colombo C.]
9건 중 9건 출력
1/1 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Simultaneous determination of several trace metals in seawater using cathodic stripping voltammetry with mixed ligands 미리보기
Colombo, C Elsevier Pub. Co 1997
2 저널기사 A flow cell for on-line monitoring of metals in natural waters by voltammetry with a mercury drop electrode 미리보기
Colombo, C Elsevier Pub. Co 1997
3 저널기사 Sequencing and Functional Analysis of Styrene Catabolism Genes from Pseudomonas fluorescens ST 미리보기
Beltrametti, F American Society for Microbiology. 1980
4 저널기사 Effects of simvastatin on the metabolism of polyunsaturated fatty acids and on glycerolipid, cholesterol, and de novo lipid synthesis in THP-1 cells 미리보기
Rise, P Lipid Research, inc.] 1980
5 저널기사 Dopamine receptor D2 and D3 gene variants are not associated with the antidepressant effect of total sleep deprivation in bipolar depression/ 미리보기
Benedetti, F Elsevier 2003
6 저널기사 Original Research Communications- Carbohydrate metabolism and diabetes - High prevalence of lactose absorbers in Northern Sardinian patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus./ 미리보기
Meloni, G F Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Inc 2001
7 저널기사 Functional Status in Patients With Spinal Cord Injury: A New Standardized Measurement Scale/ 미리보기
Taricco, Mariangela American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2000
8 저널기사 Brief Rapid Communications - Olive Phenol Hydroxytyrosol Prevents Passive Smoking-Induced Oxidative Stress/ 미리보기
Visioli, Francesco American Heart Association, etc.] 2000
9 저널기사 Dopaminergic augmentation of sleep deprivation effects in bipolar depression/ 미리보기
Benedetti, Francesco Elsevier 2001
