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검색어[전방일치/ 수록잡지명:Deutsch-Deutsche Rechts-Zeitschrift]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Furazolidone in the Treatment of Giardiasis 미리보기
B. H. Webster, M.D. Beck 1991
2 저널기사 Editorial: 미리보기
Bernard Wolf, M.D. Beck 1991
3 저널기사 Electrocardiographic Changes in Cardiovascular Abnormalities Concomitant with Gastrointestinal Disease 미리보기
Edgar Hull, M.D. Beck 1990
4 저널기사 Splenoportography 미리보기
B. H. Sullivan, JR., COL., MC; Beck 1990
5 저널기사 A Concept of the Pathogenesis of Anemia Applied to Disorders of the Intes-tinal Mucosa 미리보기
William H. Crosby, COL. Beck 1990
6 저널기사 Reactivation of Ulcerative Colitis Following Closure of an Heostomy of 27 Years' Duration 미리보기
Ruven Levitan, M.D.;Philip Kramer, M.D. Beck 1991
7 저널기사 Role of Biliary and Pancreatic Secretions in the Inhibition of Gastric Motility by Fat in the Intestine: 미리보기
Rene Menguy, M.D. Beck 1991
8 저널기사 Rectal Hydrocortisone for Ulcerative Colitis Refractory to Oral Cortico-steroids 미리보기
Lee M. Hershenson, M.D.;Morris A. Hershenson, M.D. Beck 1990
9 저널기사 Giant Cyst of the Common Bile Duct: 미리보기
Alberto Jamis-Muvdi, M.D. Beck 1991
10 저널기사 Effect of Prochlorperazine and of Prochlorperazine-Isopropamide on Basal Gastric Secretion 미리보기
Alvin J. Cummins, M.D. Beck 1991
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
