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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:Fischer A.]
85건 중 85건 출력
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Have We Seen the Last Variant of Severe Combined Immunodeficiency?/ 미리보기
Fischer, A Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
2 저널기사 Tibetan Buddhists in the Making of Modern China by Gray Tuttle 미리보기
FISCHER, A. Blackwell Publishers Ltd 2007
3 저널기사 Recognizing opportunities: initiating service innovation in PSFs 미리보기
Fischer, A. Emerald Group Publishing limited 2011
4 저널기사 Book review 미리보기
Fischer, A. Mouton 2005
5 저널기사 A Method for Extracting and Thickening a Mid-Surface of a 3-D Thin Object Represented in NURBS 미리보기
Fischer, A American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
6 저널기사 Crabtree effect in aerobic fermentations using grape juice for the production of alcohol reduced wine 미리보기
Baerwald, G Science and Technology Letters] 1996
7 저널기사 Fluorescence pattern recognition for ultrasensitive molecule identification: comparison of experimental data and theoretical approximations 미리보기
Fischer, A. Arden-Jacob, J. Koellner, M. Drexhage, K.-H. North Holland 1996
8 저널기사 Observation of Screening in the Magneto-Coulomb Drag between Coupled Two-Dimensional Electron Systems 미리보기
Rubel, H American Physical Society 1980
9 저널기사 Optical phonens in laser-deposited CdS~xTe~1~x films 미리보기
Fischer, A American Institute of Physics 1980
10 저널기사 On the Mechanism of Boron Incorporation during Silicon Epitaxy by Means of Chemical Vapor Deposition 미리보기
Kuehne, H Electrochemical Society 1980
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