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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:Fullerton E. E.]
17건 중 17건 출력
1/2 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


열거형 테이블형
검색리스트 테이블
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Phase diagram of imperfect ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic bilayers 미리보기
Berger, A North-Holland Pub. Co 1997
2 저널기사 Suppression of biquadratic coupling at the Cr Neel temperature in Fe/Cr(001) superlattices 미리보기
Fullerton, E. E American Institute of Physics 1980
3 저널기사 Magnetic anisotropy, coupling, and transport in epitaxial Co/Cr superlattices on MgO(100) and (110) substrates 미리보기
Picconatto, J. J American Institute of Physics 1980
4 저널기사 High-coercivity, c-axis oriented Nd~2Fe~1~4B films grown by molecular beam epitaxy 미리보기
Keavney, D. J American Institute of Physics 1980
5 저널기사 X-ray Fraunhofer diffraction patterns from a thin-film waveguide 미리보기
Feng, Y. P American Institute of Physics 1980
6 저널기사 Structure and magnetism of epitaxial rare-earth-transition-metal films 미리보기
Fullerton, E. E American Institute of Physics 1980
7 저널기사 Neutron standing wave resonator to measure the flux line lattice in thinfilm superconducting samples 미리보기
Adenwalla, S American Institute of Physics 1980
8 저널기사 High coercivity, epitaxial Sm-Co films with uniaxial in-plane anisotropy 미리보기
Fullerton, E. E American Institute of Physics 1980
9 저널기사 X-ray studies of aligned magnetic stripe domains in perpendicular multilayers 미리보기
Hellwig, O North-Holland 2003
10 저널기사 Magnetic Tuning of Biquadratic Exchange Coupling in Magnetic Thin Films/ 미리보기
Moser, A American Physical Society 2003
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