1 |
Intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonding interactions in [Cu(en)(py)~2(FBF~3)~2] {en = 1,2-diaminoethane, py = pyridine}
Hubberstey, P. Stroud, J.
Pergamon Press
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Bis(diimine)nitritocopper(II) cations: crystal and molecular structures of [Cu(phen)~2(ONO)]BF~4�~2O and [Cu(bipy)~2 (ONO)]HSO~4 {phen = 1,10-phenanthroline, bipy = 2.2'-bipyridine}
Hubberstey, P. Hill, S. J. Li, W.-S.
Pergamon Press
3 |
Rectangular grid two-dimensional sheets of copper(lI) bridged by both co-ordinated and hydrogen bonded 4,4'-bipyridine (4,4'-bipy) in [Cu-(�4,4'-bipy)(H~2O)~2(FBF~3)~2]�,4'-bipy
Blake, A. J
Royal Society of Chemistry
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2-Cyanoguanidine: a versatile hydrogen bonding ligand in copper(II)-2,2'-bipyridine-2-cyanoguanidine complexes
Batsanov, A. S
Royal Society of Chemistry
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Nitrate- and nitrite-ligated 3,6- bis(imnidazolyl)pyridazine-bridged dinuclear copper(II) cations with copper-copper separations similar to that in Achromobacter cycloclastes nitrite reductase
Begley, M. J
Royal Society of Chemistry
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Copper(II) diethylenetriamine complexes with monodentate N-donor ligands: crystal and molecular structure of diethylenetriamine 2-cyanoguanidine copper(II) nitrate
Begley, M. J. Hubberstey, P. Stroud, J.
Pergamon Press
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Crystal and molecular structure of [{Cu(pmdien)F(H~2O)}~2][BF~4]~2 (pmdien = N,N,N',N',N"-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine): a novel dimeric cation with extremely short O-H桁� interactions
Barlow, S. J
Royal Society of Chemistry
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Oxidation of the pyrazine(pyz)-bridged polymeric copper(I) cation [Cu(cnge)(MeCN)(pyz)]^+ by NOBF~4 and formation of the corresponding copper(n) cation [Cu(MeCN)~4(pyz)] ^2^+ (cnge = 2-cyanoguanidine)
Begley, M. J
Royal Society of Chemistry
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Discrete dinuclear and polymeric copper(I) cations bridged by 4,4'-bipyridine, trans-1,2-bis-(4-pyridyl)ethene or bis(4-pyridyl) disulfide
Batsanov, A. S
Royal Society of Chemistry
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Full papers - Anion recognition by conservation of hydrogen-bonding patterns in salts of copper(II) co-ordinated by tetradentate bis(amidino-O-alkylurea) ligands/
Blake, Alexander J
Royal Society of Chemistry