1 |
On aircraft scheduled maintenance program development
Ahmadi, A.; Soderholm, P.; Kumar, U.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
2 |
Optimal replacement with minimal repair policy for a system operating over a random time horizon
Khatab, A.; Rezg, N.; Ait-Kadi, D.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
3 |
A literature review of maintenance performance measurement: A conceptual framework and directions for future research
Simoes, J. M.; Gomes, C. F.; Yasin, M. M.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
4 |
Practical application of an Analytic Hierarchy Process for the improvement of the warranty management
Diaz, V. G.; Fernandez, J. G.; Marquez, A. C.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
5 |
Classification and cost analysis of switches and crossings for the Swedish railway: a case study
Nissen, A.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
6 |
Feasibility study of using statistical process control to optimize quality assurance in radiotherapy
Gerard, K.; Grandhaye, J. P.; Marchesi, V.; Aletti, P.; Husson, F.; Noel, A.; Kafrouni, H.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Optimization of imperfect maintenance based on fuzzy logic for a single-stage single-product production system
Hennequin, S.; Arango, G.; Rezg, N.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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System failure behavior and maintenance decision making using, RCA, FMEA and FM
Sharma, R. K.; Sharma, P.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Stochastic behavior analysis of the forming unit in a paper mill using NGABLT technique
; Sharma, S. P.; Kumar, D.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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Agent-based monitoring using case-based reasoning for experience reuse and improved quality
Olsson, E.; Funk, P.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited