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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:Johnston D C]
8건 중 8건 출력
1/1 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Clinical carotid endarterectomy decision making: Noninvasive vascular imaging versus angiography/ 미리보기
Johnston, D C C Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2001
2 저널기사 Orthorhombic LuRh4B4 - A New Polytype of RT4B4 Stoichiometry 미리보기
YVON,K Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
3 저널기사 LiV~2O~4: A Heavy Fermion Transition Metal Oxide 미리보기
Kendo, S American Physical Society 1980
4 저널기사 Structure and Thermal Expansion of LiV~2O~4: Correlation between Structure and Heavy Fermion Behavior 미리보기
Chmaissem, O American Physical Society 1980
5 저널기사 Evidence for crossover effects in the spin dynamics of the two-dimensional antiferromagnet Sr~2CuO~2Cl~2 from ^3^5Cl nuclear magnetic resonance 미리보기
Suh, B. J American Institute of Physics 1980
6 저널기사 Breakdown of de Genes Scaling in (R^1-xR^x)Ni~2B~2C Compounds 미리보기
Cho, B. K American Physical Society 1980
7 저널기사 Modeling of the magnetic susceptibilities of the ambient- and high-pressure phases of (VO)2P2O7 (23 pages)/ 미리보기
Johnston, D C Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
8 저널기사 Low rate of complications of cerebral angiography in routine clinical practice/ 미리보기
Johnston, D C C Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2001
