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검색어[전방일치/ 출판사:Little Brown]]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Original Articles - One-Stage Immediate Breast and Nipple-Areolar Reconstruction With Autologous Tissue I: A Preliminary Report/ 미리보기
Hudson, Donald A Little, Brown] 2000
2 저널기사 Original Articles - An Experimental Study of Skin Flap Associated With Muscle: Is Muscle Nourishment Possible Through the Musculocutaneous Perforators? With Invited Discussion/ 미리보기
Yazar, S�kr� Little, Brown] 2000
3 저널기사 Guest Editorial - Whither Subatmospheric Pressure Dressing?/ 미리보기
Greer, Steven E Little, Brown] 2000
4 저널기사 Letters - Re: Increased Axonal Regeneration Through a Biodegradable Amnionic Tube Nerve Conduit: Effect of Local Delivery and Incorporation of Nerve Growth Factor/Hyaluronic Acid Media/ 미리보기
Meek, Marcel F Little, Brown] 2000
5 저널기사 Original Articles - Overexpression of Transforming Growth Factor Beta-2 and Its Receptor in Rhinophyma: An Alternative Mechanism of Pathobiology/ 미리보기
Pu, Lee L Q Little, Brown] 2000
6 저널기사 Original Articles - Patterns of Radial Dysmorphology With the VACTERL Association in the Adriamycin-Exposed Prenatal Rat/ 미리보기
Kolker, Adam R Little, Brown] 2000
7 저널기사 Original Articles - Thrombogenic Effects of a Nonthrombin-Based Fibrin Sealant Compared With Thrombin-Based Fibrin Sealant on Microvenous Anastomoses in a Rat Model/ 미리보기
Drake, David B Little, Brown] 2000
8 저널기사 Original Articles - Aesthetic Modification for Delayed Autologous Breast Reconstruction: Using a Thoracodorsal Flap to Create a Breast Pocket - In delayed breast reconstruction, a thoracodorsal flap is fashioned into a "breast pocket" and filled with a deepithelialized TRAM flap, thereby avoiding the mismatch of abdominal skin on the breast./ 미리보기
Hudson, Donald A Little, Brown] 2001
9 저널기사 Case Reports - Complete Survival of a Free Flap After Early Pseudoaneurysm Formation and Pedicle Thrombosis/ 미리보기
Ceulemans, P Little, Brown] 2001
10 저널기사 Original Articles - Hair Removal by Long-Pulse Alexandrite Laser in Oriental Patients - A review of 146 Asian patients undergoing long-pulsed alexandrite laser epilation demonstrated long-term clearance rates around 90% in the leg and axilla after five treatment sessions./ 미리보기
Lu, Shiuh-Yen Little, Brown] 2001
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