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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:Moir R. D.]
7건 중 7건 출력
1/1 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Endoproteolytic cleavage and proteasomal degradation of presenilin 2 in transfected cells 미리보기
Kim, T.-W American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
2 저널기사 Expression and purification of the RNA polymerase III transcription specificity factor IIIB~7~0 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its cooperativebinding with TATA-binding protein 미리보기
Librizzi, M. D American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
3 저널기사 Zinc-induced Alzheimer's A�-40 aggregation is mediated by conformational factors 미리보기
Huang, X American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
4 저널기사 Disruption of nuclear lamin organization alters the distribution of replication factors and inhibits DNA synthesis 미리보기
Spann, T. P Rockefeller University Press 1980
5 저널기사 A Tetratricopeptide Repeat Mutation in Yeast Transcription Factor IIIC~1~3~1 (TFIIIC~1~3~1) Facilitates Recruitment of TFIIB-Related Factor TFIIIB~7~0 미리보기
Moir, R. D American Society for Microbiology 1980
6 저널기사 The Brf1 and Bdp1 Subunits of Transcription Factor TFIIIB Bind to Overlapping Sites in the Tetratricopeptide Repeats of Tfc4/ 미리보기
Liao, Y American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
7 저널기사 Autoinhibition of TFIIIB70 binding by the tetratricopeptide repeat-containing subunit of TFIIIC 미리보기
Moir, R. D.; Puglia, K. V.; Willis, I. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
