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검색어[전방일치/ 기사제목:Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation]
12건 중 12건 출력
1/2 페이지 엑셀파일 출력


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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation 미리보기
GLOAG, DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
2 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation 미리보기
GLOAG, DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
3 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation 미리보기
GLOAG, DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
4 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation:Rehabilitation agter head injury:2-Behaviour and emotional problems, long term needs, and the requirements for services. / 미리보기
GLOAG, DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
5 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation in psychiatric conditions: 2-Psychological approaches and suport , the family, and activities./ 미리보기
GLOAG, DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
6 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation: Occupational rehabilitation and return to work: 1-General services / 미리보기
GLOAG, DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
7 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation:Aids and the environment 미리보기
GLOAG,DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
8 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation:The time is now:education and organisation of services/ 미리보기
GLOAG, DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
9 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation:Introduction and a look at some short term orthopaedic rehabilitation/ 미리보기
GLOAG,DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
10 저널기사 Needs and Opportunities in Rehabilitation :Rehabilitaioin agter head injury-1:Cognituve problems/ 미리보기
GLOAG, DAPHNE British Medical Association 1985
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