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Soil and Tillage Effects on the Characteristic Size and Shape of Aggregates
Perfect, E
Soil Science Society of America
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Particulate Organic Carbon Content and Potential Mineralization as Affected by Tillage and Texture
Franzluebbers, A. J
Soil Science Society of America
3 |
Phosphorus Sorption Characteristics of Bh and Bt Horizons from Sandy Coastal Plain Soils
Zhou, M
Soil Science Society of America
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Winter Cover Cropping Influence on Nitrogen in Soil
Kuo, S
Soil Science Society of America
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Modeling Nonwetting-Phase Relative Permeability Accounting for a Discontinuous Nonwetting Phase
Fischer, U
Soil Science Society of America
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Time-Dependent Changes in Pedogenic Processes on Marine Terraces in Coastal Oregon
Langley-Turnbaugh, S. J
Soil Science Society of America
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Quantitative Aspects of Weathering and Neoformation in Selected Costa Rican Volcanic Soils
Nieuwenhuyse, A
Soil Science Society of America
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Comments on "Influence of Autocorrelation and Measurement Errors on Interpretation of Solubility Diagrams"
Neal, C.
Soil Science Society of America
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Compositional and Functional Shifts in Microbial Communities Due to SoilWarming
Zogg, G. P. MacDonald, N. W. Zak, D. R. Ringelberg, D. B.
Soil Science Society of America
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Rietveld Estimates of Mineral Percentages to Predict Phosphate Sorption by Selected Hawaiian Soils
Babcock, C. J. Jones, R. C. Yost, R. S. Jackman, J. M.
Soil Science Society of America