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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:WHITE H. ]
335건 중 335건 출력
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 A Reality Check for Data Snooping 미리보기
White, H. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 2000
2 저널기사 Time-series estimation of the effects of natural experiments 미리보기
White, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
3 저널기사 Commentary: Good of Their Kind/ 미리보기
White, H Johns Hopkins University Press, etc.] 2003
4 저널기사 Commentary: Anomalies of Genre: The Utility of Theory and History for the Study of Literary Genres/ 미리보기
White, H Johns Hopkins University Press, etc.] 2003
5 저널기사 Conditionality when Donor and Recipient Preferences Vary 미리보기
White, H. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1997
6 저널기사 Pro-Poor Growth in a Globalized Economy 미리보기
White, H. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2001
7 저널기사 British Aid and the White Paper on International Development: Dressing a Wolf in Sheep's Clothing in the Emperor's New Clothes? 미리보기
White, H. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1998
8 저널기사 Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches in Poverty Analysis 미리보기
White, H. unknown 2002
9 저널기사 Trends in the volume and allocation of official flows from donor countries 미리보기
White, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
10 저널기사 Will the New Aid Agenda Help Promote Poverty Reduction? 미리보기
White, H. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2001
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 다음 맨뒤
