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검색어[전방일치/ 기사저자명:Winston M.]
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기사제목 기사저자명 출판사 발행년 수록
1 저널기사 On Global Justice, by Mathias Risse 미리보기
Winston, M. Johns Hopkins University Press 2013
2 저널기사 Philosophy of Human Rights: Theory and Practice, by David Boersema 미리보기
Winston, M. Johns Hopkins University Press 2012
3 저널기사 The US urban university library: supporting research related to crime 미리보기
Winston, M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
4 저널기사 Cultural Sensitivity: or, How to Make the Library a Better Place 미리보기
Winston, M. PIERIAN PRESS 1995
5 저널기사 Collaboration Between Practitioners and Teaching Faculty: A Study of Research, Publication, and Citation Patterns/ 미리보기
Williams, J. F. Winston, M. The Association 2003
6 저널기사 Reproductive Biology - Effect of pollen load size and source (self, outcross) on seed and fruit production in highbush blueberry cv. 'Bluecrop' (Vaccinium corymbosum, Ericaceae)/ 미리보기
Dogterom, Margriet H Botanical Society of America] 2000
7 저널기사 Features - IMMEDIATE CE TEST PROCESSING. See our Web site at www.nursingmanagement.com/ce.htm - Staff Development: Take the wind out of asthma - A common cause of ED visits, asthma is on the rise./ 미리보기
Miracle, Vickie S-N Publications, inc 2001
8 저널기사 Recruitment Theory: Identification of Those Who Are Likely to Be Successful as Leaders/ 미리보기
Winston, Mark D Haworth Press 2001
9 저널기사 Managing Diversity in Liberal Arts College Libraries/ 미리보기
Winston, Mark D American Library Association 2000
10 저널기사 Managing Honey Bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) for Greenhouse Tomato Pollination/ 미리보기
Sabara, H. A Entomological Society of America [etc.] 2003
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