The promotion of air oxidation and carbonyl substitution reactions of [(eta^5-C~5H~5)~2Mo~2(CO)~4(�RCCR')] by trimethylamine N-oxide or nitrosonium tetrafluoroborate: the synthesis of [(eta^5-C~5H~5)~2Mo~2(O)~2(�O)(�RCCR')] (R = R' = CO~2Me or Ph; R = H, R' = Ph; or R = H, R' = CO~2Me) and [(eta^5-C~5H~5)~2Mo~2(CO)~3(NO)(�RCCR')]-[BF~4] (R = R' = CO~2Me, Me or H; or R = H, R' = CO~2Me)
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