Copolymerization of 1-Hexene and Ethylene Catalyzed by the Ziegler Catalyst Cp*TiMe3/B(C6F5)3 - Published online 20 September 2000 The Ziegler-Natta system CpTiMe3/B(C6F5)3 catalyzed the copolymerization of ethylene and 1-hexene in toluene into materials in which ethylene proportions ranged from less than 5% to 85% or more. In addition, a soluble (in toluene at ambient temperature) but very high molecular weight (weight-average molecular weight - 8 X 105, weight-average molecular weight/number-average molecular weight = 1.8) rubbery copolymer that formed at -78 (degree)C exhibited a predominantly alternating microstructure./
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