Anatomy - Prenatal Localization of the Dorsal Root Ganglion in Different Segments of the Normal Human Vertebral Column - The morphology and the localization of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) was studied in vertebral columns from 11 normal human fetuses (10-24 weeks of gestation) by using histology (horizontal sections) and morphometric measurements. The study showed (1) the DRG appeared before ossification of the spine; (2) the DRG bad in all cases an oval shape; (3) the longitudinal axis of DRG was in the cervical and lumbosacral segments directed anterolaterally and in the thoracic segment mainly laterally; (4) during development, the DRG changed position according to the body axis; and (5) the ossification of the vertebral components protected the DRG differently in the different axial segments. The results of the study can be considered as reference data for future studies on the DRG in pathological spines./
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