The Immunologic Impact and Clinical Outcomes Following Surgical Exposure to Bovine Thrombin - One hundred and fifty-one patients were prospectively enrolled in a trial evaluating the immunologic response and post-operative clinical outcomes following surgical exposure to bovine thrombin. Results from this study confirmed that intra-operative exposure to bovine thrombin is highly immunogenic with greater than 90% of patients enrolled in the study developing significant postoperative antibody responses to at least one or more coagulation protein tested. An increase in postoperative adverse events (adjusted odds ratio of 5.40 with 95% confidence interval: 1.54, 18.8) was observed in patients who entered the study with preoperative antibody titers against two or more bovine coagulation proteins suggesting that secondary exposure to bovine thrombin may contribute to postoperative hemorrhagic events and increased morbidity./
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