SCIENTIFIC PAPERS - Pancreatic Transplantation and Subsequent Graft Surveillance by Pancreatic Portal-Enteric Anastomosis and Temporary Venting Jejunostomy - Pancreatic transplantation (PTx) with enteric drainage (ED) is a more physiologic approach to exocrine secretion than bladder drainage (BD). With enteric PTx, diagnosis of acute rejection (AR) requires percutaneous biopsy. The Roux-en-y (RNY) jejunostomy in patients with enteric PTx provides a novel and more reliable approach to monitor AR. These preliminary results suggest that the RNY temporary venting jejunostomy with ED PTx can be used to safely diagnose and monitor pancreatic AR, as well as to prevent/diagnose anastomotic leaks. Finally, pancreatic amylase and other markers of AR can be readily measured in ostomy fluid./
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