Aquired Degenerative Changes of the Intervertebral Segments at and Suprajacent to the Lumbrosacral junction: A Radioanatomic Analysis of the Nondiskal Structures of the Spinal Column and Perispinal Soft Tissues - Upright posture leads to increased weight bearing in humans that causes excess stresses to gather at and suprajacent to the lumbosacral junction. These combined factors result in progressive, and in some cases, accelerated aging and degenerative changes and a predisposition to frank biomechanical failure of the subcomponents of the spinal column in these spinal segments. Chnicoradiologic research in this area is progressively determining the clinical applications and clinical efficacy of the various traditional and newer methods of therapy in patients presenting with symptomatic degenerative alterations of the nondiskal structures of the spine, with or without acquired collapse of the intervertebral disks at and uprajacent to the lumbosacral junction./
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