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Encyclopedia of plant physiology.New series

상세 프로파일

개인저자 Pirson, A. ed.
Zimmermann, Martin Huldrych, 1926, ed.
Ruhland, W. (Wilhelm), 1878-1960,
M. H. Zimmermann.
J. A. Milburn.
서명/저자사항Encyclopedia of plant physiology.New series.
권.연차 사항 v. 1- 1975-
발행사항Berlin, New York,: Springer-Verlag, m.
형태사항v.: ill.
일반주기 Original series in German: Handbuch der Pflanzenphysiologie, by Wilhelm Ruhland (463.3 H192).
서지주기 Includes bibliographical references.
내용주기 v.1. Transport in plant I : phloem transport / es.by M. H. Zimmermann and J. A. Milburn. -- v.2, pt.A ; Transport in plants II ; cells / ed.by U.Luttge and M.G.Pitman. -- v.2, pt.B ; Transport in plants II : tissues and organs / ed.by U.Luttge and M.G.Pitman. -- v.3. Transport in plant III : intracellular interactions and transport processes / ed.by C.R. Stocking and U. Heber. -- v.4. Physiological plant pathology / ed.by R.Heitefuss and P.H. Williams. -- v.5. Photosynthesis I : photosyntheric electron transport and photophosphorylation / ed.by A.Trebst and M.Avron. -- v.6. Photosynthesis II : Photosynthetic carbon metabolism and related processes / ed.by M.Gibbs and E. Latzko. -- v.7. Physiology of movements / ed.by W.Haupt and M.E.Feinleib. -- v.8. Secondary plant products / ed.by E.A. Bell and B.V.Charlwood. -- v.9. Hormonal regulation of development I : molecular aspects of plant hormones / ed.by J. MacMillan. -- v.10. Hormonal regulation of development II : the functions of hormones from the level of the cell to the whole plant / ed.by Tom K. Scott. -- v.12A. Physiological plant ecology I : responses to the physical environment / ed.by O.L.Lange ... (et al). -- v.12B. Physiological plant ecology II : water relations and carbon assimilation / ed.by O.L. Lanbe ... (et al). -- v.12C. Physiological plant ecology III : responses to the chemical and biological environment / ed.by O.L.Lange ... (et al). -- v.12D Physiological plant ecology IV : ecosystem processes : mineral cycling, productivity and man's influence / ed.by O.L.Lange ... (et al). -- v.13A. Plant carbohydrates I : intracellular carbohydrates / ed.by F.A.Loewus and W. Tanner. -- v.13B. Plant carbohydrates II : extracellular carbohydrates / ed.by W.Tanner and F.A.Loewus. -- v.14A. Nucleic acids and proteins in plants I : structure, biochemistry and physiology of proteins / ed.by D.Boulter and B.Parthier. -- v.14B. Nucleic acids and proteins in plants II : structure, biochemistry and physiology of nucleic acids / ed.by B. Partyier and D. Boulter. -- v.15A. Inorganic plant nutrition / ed.by A. Lauchli and R. L. Bieleski. -- v.15B. Inorganic plant nutrition / ed.by A. Lauchli and R.L.Bieleski. -- v.16A. Photo-morphogenesis / ed.by W. Shropshire and H.Mohr. -- v.16B. Photo-morphogenesis / ed.by W. Shropshire and H.Mohr. -- v.17. Cellular interactions / ed.by H. F. Linskens and J. Heslop-Harrison. -- v.18. Higher plant cell respiration / ed.by R. Douce and D. A. Day.
색인/초록 수록지 Chemical abstracts 0009-2258 -1986
일반주제명 Plant physiology.
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