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Peterson's annual guides/graduate study.Book 4,Graduate programs in the physical sciences and mathematics

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단체저자명 Peterson's Guides, inc.
서명/저자사항Peterson's annual guides/graduate study.Book 4,
권.연차 사항 18th ed. (1984)-22nd ed. (1988).
발행사항Princeton, N.J.: Peterson's Guides, 1984-1988.
형태사항5 v.: ill.; 28 cm.
간행빈도 Annual
축약서명 Peterson's annu. guides/grad. study, Book 4 Grad. programs phys. sci. math.
등록서명 Peterson's annual guides/graduate study. Book 4, Graduate programs in the physical sciences and mathematics
부분서명 Peterson's annual guides graduate study. Graduate programs in the physical sciences and mathematics
부분서명 Graduate programs in the physical sciences and mathematics
부분서명 Peterson's annual guides to graduate study. Graduate programs in the physical sciences and mathematics
표지서명 Peterson's graduate programs in the physical sciences & mathematics
ISSN 0887-8595
일반주기 Issues for <1985-> have on spine: "Peterson's annual guides.".
Issues for 1987-88 have title: Peterson's annual guides to graduate study. Book 4, Graduate programs in the physical sciences and mathematics.
일반주제명 Universities and colleges -- United States -- Graduate work -- Directories.
Universities and colleges -- Canada -- Graduate work -- Directories.
Physical sciences -- Study and teaching (Graduate) -- United States -- Directories.
Physical sciences -- Study and teaching (Graduate) -- Canada -- Directories.
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Graduate) -- United States -- Directories.
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Graduate) -- Canada -- Directories.
Physical sciences -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- United States -- Directories.
Physical sciences -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Canada -- Directories.
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- United States -- Directories.
Mathematics -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Canada -- Directories.
후속저록 Peterson's guide to graduate programs in the physical sciences and mathematics, 0894-9379, (DLC) 89646023, (OCoLC)16319329
선행저록 Peterson's annual guides to graduate study. Book 4, Physical sciences and mathematics, 0887-8587, (DLC) 86642938, (OCoLC)12275939
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