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Effective judicial review:a cornerstone of good governance

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개인저자 Forsyth, C. F.
서명/저자사항Effective judicial review:a cornerstone of good governance/edited by Christopher Forsyth ... [et al.].
발행사항 Oxford [UK] ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2010.
형태사항xlii, 452 p.; 24 cm.
서지주기 Includes bibliographical references and index
내용주기 Introductory essay by the editors -- Judicial independence and judicial review in constitutional democracies : a note on Hamilton and Tocqueville / Martin Loughlin -- Political constitutionalism and judicial review / Paul Craig -- The constitutionalization and codification of judicial review in South Africa / Cora Hoexter -- Constitutions, codes, and administrative law : the Australian experience / Cheryl Saunders -- Judicial review and administrative justice / Carol Harlow -- Human rights obligations in the private sector : reflections on YL v Birmingham city council and the meaning of public function / Paul Rishworth and Janet McClean -- Judicial review in the age of tribunals / Peter Cane -- Tribunal justice : judicial review by another route / Lord Justice Carnwath -- Should the primary locus of government adjudication be in the 163 agencies, the courts, or in a special tribunal comparisons between the US and the UK/Australia model / Jeffrey Lubbers -- An independent judiciary / Justice Bokhary -- Judicial independence and judicial review of government action : necessary institutional characteristics and appropriate scope of the function of judicial review / Shimon Shetreet -- The unaccountability of judges : surely their strength not their weakness / Rt. Hon. Lord Brown of Eaton-Under-Heywood -- An impartial and uncorrupted civil service : Hong Kong's fight against corruption in the past 34 years / Anthony Neoh -- The final frontier : the emergence of material error of fact as a ground for judicial review / Christopher Forsyth and Emma Dring -- Proportionality and deference : the importance of a structured approach / Mark Elliott -- The intensity of judicial review in the commercial context : deference and proportionality / Jaime Arancibia -- Jurisdiction, functionalism, and constitutionalism in Canadian administrative law / Mark Walters -- The statutory fiction of judicial review of administrative action in the United States / Kevin Stack -- Judicial
review of regulators / Nigel Plemming -- Remedies in administrative law / Benedict Lai and Johannes Chan -- The dawn of the due process principle in China / He Haibo -- Necessity and the remedies conundrum / Richard Gordon -- General themes in the consideration of administrative detentions / Justice Ma -- Judicial review in the Hong Kong special administrative region : necessary because of bad governance / Mark Daly -- The functions of judicial review in Hong Kong / Philip Dykes -- Themes from the volume / Sir David Williams -- Concluding comments : judicial review's constitutional home / Sir John Laws.
일반주제명 Judicial review of administrative acts.
Constitutional courts.
Political questions and judicial power.
Judicial review.
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