자료유형 | 단행본 |
개인저자 | Sert, Gu@rkan, 1975-. Gu@ven, Tolga, 1974- Go@rkey, Sefik. |
서명/저자사항 | Medical law in Turkey/Gu@rkan Sert, Tolga Gu@ven, Sefik Go@rkey. |
발행사항 | Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International ; Frederick, MD: Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers, c2011. |
형태사항 | 138 p.: ports.; 24 cm. |
딸림자료 | |
ISBN | 9789041136114 (pbk. alk. paper) |
일반주기 |
"This book was originally published as a monograph in the International Encyclopaedia of Laws/Medical Law."
서지주기 | Includes bibliographic references (p. 33-35) and index. |
통일서명 | International encyclopaedia of laws. Medical law. |
일반주제명 | Medical laws and legislation -- Turkey. |
언어 | 영어 |
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