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Global issues surrounding outer space law and policy

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개인저자Kim, Tu-hwan, 1934-
서명/저자사항Global issues surrounding outer space law and policy/by Doo Hwan Kim.
발행사항Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2021.
형태사항ix, 231 p.: ill.; 29 cm.

서지주기Includes bibliographical references and index.
내용주기UNCOPUOS and ILA national space legislation based on the space treaties -- Main contents and comment of the 1967 Outer Space Treaty -- Main contents and comment of the 1968 Rescue Agreement -- Main contents and comment of the 1968 Liability Convention -- Main contents and comment of the 1975 Registration Convention -- Main contents and comment of the 1979 Moon Agreement -- The Asian countries' national legislation on the outer space law and organizations -- The European countries' national legislation on the outer space laws and organization -- North America's national legislation on the outer space laws and organizations -- South America's national legislation on the outer space laws and organizations -- Australia's national legislation on the outer space laws -- Africa's national legislation on the outer space laws and organizations -- Activities of the international space organizations and station -- EU draft code of conduct for outer space activities : Space Debris and Liability Convention -- Legal problems on the compensation for space damage caused by Space Debris and Space Liability Convention -- Proposal of establishing an Asian space agency -- Proposal of establishing a new international space agency for mining the natural resources in the Moon, Mars, asteroids and other celestial bodies -- Proposal for establishing an International Court of Air and Space Law.
요약"This authored book addresses the global issues and solutions pertaining to outer space law and policy, addressing the United Nations international five space treaties, the main contents of thirty countries' domestic space law and policy as well as their national space agencies and two space international organizations"--
주제명(단체명)United Nations. -- General Assembly. -- Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
International Law Association.
일반주제명Space law.
Outer space -- Government policy.
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